Far Far from the Falling Leaves
Publication Design, Creative Direction, Typography, Advertisement, Storytelling, Writing, Copywriting, Illustration, Animation.
A story of mysteries, adventure, and the unexpected.
When we start down a path or encountered a problem we often premeditate what the journey will entail, all the steps that we will have to do, and what we will need in order to prevail. Often, we get caught up making these journeys confined to these thoughts and restrict ourselves to not enjoy natural development. Sometimes there are traps and sometimes there are surprises, and sometimes there is excitement. We are all the agents on missions in some way and should invite these unexpected happenings more often because in these moments are where true adventure, growth, and discovery hide.

P.A.S.T.A. Agent
Paranormal Activity Search & Track Agency deploy PASTA agents to help solve spooky happenings that may be troubling you or your neighborhood woods.

Oftentimes agents will use top-secret gadgets to seek out these mysteries. Regularly the tracks lead them through the trees, down paths, over hills, and on top of big rocks. The weather is usually poor.

Most of the paranormal activities are usually caused by coy inhabitants, but not all the time.

Sea Bottom Rocks
The mystery's trail went cold and the agent was left at the bottom of the deep dark sea near a strangely lit cluster of rocks, but the one in the way way back, almost consumed by the darkness, had different lobes than all the others...

Microwave Ghost
The agent found out the hard way that the way way back rock was not a rock at all, but the ghost of a little know sea resident who hides in between rocks and in the sands and listens to the subtle hums of the volcanoes not too far away, but far enough, which causes it to emit a small burst of microwaves that jam radio signals.

Devil Eels
Past the new darkness, a crack in the mold beamed bright.

Bubble Storm
Just as the devil eels grew near, the sea rumbled and a ponderous amount of bubbles released from that crack in the mold and lifted the agent to the surface.

The Place in the Middle of the Sea
They lead the agent to an isolated island, which on approach seemed like a regular place, but the inside was filled with traps and danger and other oddities, similar to a loaf of pâté, and since that ghost was jamming radio signals he could not call for help.

Island Pines
The pines here also had a mystery of their own.

Leftovers from the Island Hoppers
Evidence suggests that the loud disappearances and thunder clouds that howl in the night are connected to abandoned bombshells scattered throughout the island from a long-ago time.

Nostalgia is the lord of thieves. She is found in the middle of the island but appears differently for everyone.

Sky Ladder
Among all the oddities of the island, the strangest is probably the ladder by the seaside.

Cloud Guardian
Cloud guardians protect the sky but are usually hangry from long shifts with no breaks. Things they like are the quiet and the wind. Things they don't like are seagulls and meteors.

The Guardian Defense
When trouble strikes, all guardians can summon storms to cast away unwanted occurrences.

Black Skull Gale Storms
The clear blue was once a calm place, but now rogue guardians have banned together to create black skull lighting clouds that are overgrowing regulation size for the atmosphere.

Sideways Forest
Exasperated from the storms, and mysteries, and ghosts, and all those thieves the agent escaped to the Sideways Forest to isolate himself among the trees, now even more barren than before.

Wind Walkers
Aside from the wind, distant crackles and the soft step of the hocus pocus adventurers the place was silent.

Fire in the Field
Those crackles in the distance echoed louder, overwhelmed the silence, and stained the forest with fire and smoke.

A New Place
From the rubble, the agent built a new place among the quiet, and by now all the leaves were gone.

Far Far from the Falling Leaves
It began to snow and all the mysteries disappeared… till next time.