Folklore, legends, and stories that united us.

Billy the Kid
Billy the Kid was said to kill 21 men, one for every year of his life. Historians have determined he only actually killed about 9 men.

Lake Michigan Green Lantern
The lighthouse keeper’s children went missing during a storm rowing their boat home from school one afternoon. Everyday for the rest of the man’s life he searched along the shoreline for a trace of hope. Now locals say on stormy days you can see a green light on the horizon. They say it is the lighthouse keeper still searching for his long lost children.

The Pilgrim's Journey to America
In September 1620, thirty five members of a radical Puritan faction known as the English Separatist Church left England for religious freedoms and set sail for the “New World” on a ship known as the Mayflower. Rough seas and storms prevented the Mayflower from reaching their initial destination. After a voyage of sixty-five days the ship reached the shores of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. More than half of the English settlers died during that first harsh winter weather.

Roswell UFO Crash
In the early morning on July 7, 1947, an alleged alien spacecraft crashed about 75 miles from the town of Roswell, New Mexico. Rancher Mac Brazel found an unusual mess of metallic sticks held together with tape; chunks of plastic, and foil reflectors. Soldiers fanned out across Brazel’s field, gathering the mysterious debris in armored trucks. Many civilians arrived at the crash scene before the military and saw humanoid beings with large heads and bulging black eyes being laying in the dirt. The controversy spun the nation into an obsession. Since this incident then there was a substantial influx in UFO reports from coast to coast.

Lynn Woods Treasure
Within the woods north of Boston in Lynn, Massachusetts pirate captain, Thomas Veale, buried several treasure chests filled with silver, gold, jewels, and coins from all over the world. After reaching the beaches of Massachusetts, he brought his treasure to a place known as Dungeon Rock Cave. Veale settled in the same cave shortly after burying his treasure there. One day an earthquake sealed him in and lost him and his treasure to the woods. In 1852 in hopes of finding the treasure, the Marble family began their investigation for the chests. Mr. Marble and his son dedicated their lives to the expedition. Eventually, Mr. Marble passed away in his search for the missing treasure. After his death his son continued the expedition with his family, but would meet the same fate as his father. Till this day the treasure remains adrift in the woods of Lynn, Massachusetts.

Guardian of Yosemite
When all hope was lost, the land become barren, and food was scarce for the native tribe of the Yosemite Valley, the Great Spirit took pity on the plight of her people. Stooping down from high, she spread her hands over the valley. The regrowth of new life poured forth over the land; trees blossomed, flowers bloomed, birds sang. Then she struck a mighty blow against the mountains and they broke apart, leaving a pathway for the melting snow to flow through. The water swirled and washed down upon the land, spilling over rocks, pooling into a lake and then wandering afar to spread life to other places. A new land flourished in the valley and the people came back to their home.